| A D U L T M I N I S T R Y
Why Come to Sunday School or small group bible study?
This tends to be a question many people ask themselves. Sunday School/bible study is instrumental in your desire to grow in Christ and adds incalcuable value to your soul. Here at First Baptist, we focus on Christ through our Sunday school and bible studies. Our teachers study diligently each week to bring a lesson that is well prepared and practical for everyday life. In our classes you will find closer fellowship with one another, concern for each other and enjoyment of all others. You will get in Sunday school and small group bible studies what you cannot get during our normal worship service - interaction with a particular teacher, participation with fellow believers and meaningful relationships with brothers and sisters just like you.
Sunday morning adult co-ed bible studies
9 am - 10:15 am Sound Doctrine (Sunday school wing): focuses on studying the Bible through topical Bible studies and helpful discussion in order to apply God's word to topics relevant to every day life.
9 am - 10:15 am The King's Messengers (Sunday school wing): studies the Bible making application to the Great Commission. The class is reminded each week that their mission starts right after class.
9 am - 10:15 am Ambassadors for Christ (Fellowship Center): Studies a book of the Bible verse by verse helping the class to better understand God's word and encourages everyone to ask questions in order to apply it to their lives.
Home Small groups (off campus) meet at various times, days and geographic locations during the week.